Special Statement


We at LAS Global Studies would like to affirm our strong and unanimous support for Black Lives Matter.  We are here for our students, we are here for the community, we are here for change.  We are here.

That the statement “Black Lives Matter” must be made, and the fact that it’s seen as “controversial” or “political” to make, indicates a poison in the system deeply rooted in historical (and ahistorical) practices.  Strides have been made over the generations, and yet this epidemic of racism and bigotry continues to fester in communities across the country, even within our own community.  Every one of us will do whatever is in our power to support our students and the campus in general as we work to make this major and University a welcoming home for all. Part of our task as Global Studies students, faculty, and staff is to dismantle systems of oppression wherever we find them, especially in our own community.

Please talk to us.  Tell us, what can LAS Global Studies do to improve this home for everyone?  What obstacles do you face on campus?  We want you to know that you can approach us with your concerns, share with us your challenges, and seek our support as you confront the poison in the system.  We are here.

We will be hosting a virtual town hall event in September (date pending) to discuss these issues, so keep watching your email for that invitation.