Global Health

Overview: Students who wish to learn about the causes and consequences of disparities in health conditions, health practices and health care systems declare Global Health as a thematic area. Additionally, students who are driven by the desire of providing equal access to health resources or develop cultural tolerance towards alternative medical systems may also declare this thematic area. Students of Global Health study social aspects of health provision and methods of overcoming these obstacles at the global level. They build their knowledge base by learning about health systems in United States and abroad, racial and ethnic inequalities in health care provision, the customs dominating health care systems in other cultures and health policy implementation at the national and global levels. Students also work towards understanding the importance of global achievement of the millennium development goals and how better health outcomes can aid sustainable development around the world.

Coursework examples: If a student wants to study the effect of hunger on health outcomes as a topic within Global Health, they might take courses in geography, economics, biology or anthropology. Students interested in Global Health may also choose to study community development and provision of health care, for which they could take courses in community health, sociology, philosophy or communication. Students in Global Health thematic area are strongly recommended to take our gateway course, GLBL 240: Global Health. There are several course options for this thematic area, which can be found in the current recommended course list.

Possible career paths: Some possible career paths for students who declare Global Health as a thematic area are hospital administration, medical school, nursing school, working for a health care NGO, community health, social work, public health and public policy organizations and global health organizations such as the WHO, UNDP and FAO etc. For more information, visit the career prep section.